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Anabolic OD Review

Anabolic OD is the latest nutritional supplement formulated to assist in muscle growth during the mucle recovery period that occurs after an intense weight training session. This takes place by saturating the damaged muscle fibers with creatine (natural amino acids that help muscles repair themselves).

This unique suplement consist of a combination of 3 seperate blends. There's a blend for growth intervention, a blend for muscle rehabilitation, and a blend for amino acid recovery. In most cases, these blends are taken seperately. However the Anabolic OD combines all 3 in one mixture.

In order for Anabolic OD to be most effective, the muscle supplement has to be taken immediately after the workout. At that time the muscles fibres are torn. Anabolic will begin to work immediately, causing the body to increase production of creatine to repair the muscles. The O.D. in Anabalic OD stands for "optimal dose" which conveys the idea that each serving (one scoop to every 6 oz of water) will produce the best results. For those who are extremist and looking for quicker results, you can take 2 sccops for 12 ounces of water.

Because the Anabolic OD combines all three blends, there have been questions about the quality of the ingredients of the supplement. It's also important to remember that this particular supplement is for the person who is involved in a very intense, high energy weight training program. Most people who have used Anabolic OD have seen a very noticiable increase in their body mass in a period of 3-5 weeks. Depending on the persons, some have seen between 10% to 17% increase of muscle mass.

The results are not automatic and are not the same for everyone. However the effectivenss of this particular suppliement is dependent on the person being very intense and consistent with their weight training and diet program. The supplement is designed to work to quickly repair torn muscle fibers after a person has been working out, which will increase muscle mass. As with any weight training supplement, it's important to research the legitimacy of any supplements that claim extraordinary ability to build muscle mass.

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