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Power Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding Power Drinks
In bodybuilding, much of the body’s energy and strength is used. After the hard work, the body needs rest. A time to recover helps the body to regain lost energy and fuel. It is important also for the body to have sufficient power for the next set of training, to be able to meet the required performance. That is why power drinks play a vital role for...

3 Day Power Bodybuilding Split For Athletes
When it comes to putting on muscular size there are a few common denominators. You have to train hard, you have to use big, compound movements, you have to continuously add weight to the bar, and you need ample rest and recovery between sessions. If you do these things...

Power Chest Bodybuilding Training Tips
Let's leave those pumping and "feel" movements at home the next time chest day rolls around. Instead, let's employ some old school training. Let's put a lot of weight on that bar, and let's move it a lot of times. It's not all that scientific, and it may...

Power Vs Pump Training Philosophies
The bodybuilding training pendulum seems to swing, every few years, from "power" training to "pump" training. For a few years, you'll have the classical, Zane-like physiques winning top bodybuilding shows, and everyone in every gym in America will be training with isolation exercises, completing high-rep sets, and trying to "pump" their way to a symmetrical physique. Then, a few years later...

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