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Weightlifting Bodybuilding

Weight Lifting Routines for Bodybuilding
I wanted to present some weight lifting routines that bodybuilders should know. These can help jump start your metabolism and even increase long-term testosterone production, which will aid in future muscle building...

American Bodybuilding
America is becoming the center of bodybuilding. The USA has a very good arena and opportunities that are vital for one to achieve the best in the arena of weight lifting and body building. It is in the American bodybuilding arena that a lot of events in weight lifting and bodybuilding...

Handling Weightlifting Routine Pressures During Bodybuilding
The rep may be viewed as the most common interval that punctuates the typical routine of any kind. During weightlifting, it is a very integral part in terms of measuring the rate of progress as well as the results attained. These two components make reps something a weightlifter can't afford to ignore. The most crucial aspect of a weightlifting rep is the way in which the breathing patterns are handled. To begin with you must hold your weight every time your muscles are under the pressure they are subjected to...

Bodybuilding, Cheating With Your Weight Lifting Program
Most people who are into bodybuilding, upon hearing the word 'cheating' immediately begin to think of their diet. That is not the cheating we are referring to with this article however, we're talking about your workout routine. There is a whole training concept based on what's known in the bodybuilding world as 'cheating'. While most weight lifting programs...

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