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Healthy eating for bodybuilders

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Posted by Mass

To be a successful, healthy eating is very important. Here are some tips on losing fat without really trying.

Fill up on fiber. Choose whole grains, fruits and vegetables, high fiber cereals, dries beans, lentils, or other legumes. Your goal is 25 to 30 grams daily. Food rich in fiber make you feel full without lots of calories.

Drink a glass of water before each meal and you'll get a feeling of fullness. By sipping water throughout the day, you'll know when you're really hungry. Drink at least eight 8oz. glasses of water daily. *I drink 1-1 1/2 gallons daily.

Eat more fish. Fish and poultry have less calories then beef, lamb and pork. Veal has the lowest calories of the meats, but it is higher in cholesterol than beef or lamb.

Limit your salt intake. Instead spice up your diet with pepper, lemons, basil and oregano (or Mrs.. Dash) and you'll never miss salt. Your blood pressure will improve and you'll lose weight faster! Buy salt-free salsa and sugarless jam as snacks. They taste great on baked tortillas or whole wheat crackers. *Also find lower fat substitutes that satisfy your taste preferences.

Think "healthy eating" instead of "dieting". Dieting is an on again off again thing, healthy eating is a life long process. So if you're still hungry and it's not time to eat, take a walk, call a friend, or put on a swimsuit and check on the airfare to Jamaica!!

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