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Optimum Anabolics Review

Jeff Anderson's Optimum Anabolics Program

Optimum Anabolics is a workout program created by Jeff Anderson also known as "The Muscle Nerd". In his 120-page eBook, Jeff takes you step by step on how you can build steroid sized muscles using natural hormone programming. He shows you how to incorporate 8 anabolic factors to get in the best shape of your life. These 8 factors are; Hyper-Adaptive Cycling, Body Part Training Frequency, Training Session, Length Exercise Selection and Form, Number of Repetitions and Weight, Repetition Speed. Rest Cycles and Diet.

In the Hyper-Adaptive phase, you will learn how your body adapts to stresses such as diet and workouts. Not following a correct program can either put your body in Chronic Overtraining or Under Training. Hyper-Adaptive is the process where your body over-adapts to the demand being placed on it. Body Part Training Frequency teaches how to work out your muscles so that they have enough time to recovery before they are worked again. Letting your muscles recovery between workouts is very important and will keep you from overtraining.

Optimum Anabolics Workout

Jeff uses a common sense approach to Training Session Lengths where your workouts are done in less than 60 minutes with the proper amount of rest between sets and exercises. His program is centered on using Super-Sets. Two exercises are done in each super-set and there are three super-sets in total per workout. Exercise Selection and Form is next and makes sense. Picking the right exercise and order will propel your progress and results. Jeff helps you pick the exercises and order for you in his program.

Factor 5 or Number of Sets and Repetitions shows you exactly how many sets and repetition range that you should be using for use exercise and super-set. The principle is based around the old famous "PUMP"; you know the feeling of your muscle being gorged with blood and feeling hard. He believes that you should feel the "PUMP" or you are not doing anything for growing muscle. Factors 6-8 just complete the program.

Optimum Anabolics Does It Work?

Overall, the program is solid and informative and if you follow his program, you will see results. The program lays down the foundation and groundwork for achieving awesome results. Maybe you will not get steroid sized muscles but you will increase the size of your muscles and decrease your waistline. Go ahead, try it, and watch your muscles get too big for your clothes!

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