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Muscle Growth Workout Articles

Gustavo Badell Biography
Gustavo Badell was born on November 3, 1972 in Venezuela. He currently resides in Puerto Rico with his wife and two kids. Gustavo stands only 5'8" but weighs in on stage at a ripped 240 pounds. Of course, Gustavo must do a clean bulk prior to a contest where his weight can get as high as 270 pounds. He still keeps a low bodyfat during his pre-contest bulk, which is why Gustavo can easily switch from off-season to pre-contest mode very easily.

Bodybuilding Basics: Why Can't I Get Bigger? Part 1
Many beginning bodybuilders find themselves unable to grow muscles as quickly as they'd like or reach a plateau and can't get any bigger. Here are a few of the biggest reasons why you are not getting bigger and stronger!

Gain More Muscle By Training Less Often
Provides insight into the simplicity of building muscle and explains why most people train far too often and with too many sets. When it comes to building muscle, less is more!

Pulled Muscles
A human body gets its shape and all possible flex movements due to the presence of muscles. The contraction of the muscles voluntarily helps in moving the legs or hands while walking, or to turn the neck when somebody calls from behind. The muscles are made up of elastic fibers that make these movements possible.

Muscle Growth
Muscle Growth is a very essential part of muscle development. As the body grows so does the muscle. Muscles are the storehouse of energy. They store glycogen or glucose from the food (especially carbohydrates) consumed. Later, the muscle converts glucose and supplies energy as and when the body requires. In a normal human being, Muscle Growth is dependent on the human growth hormones, nutritious food and the type of physical activities involved.

The Scary Truth About Soy Protein and Bodybuilding
Inevitably there's a myth that soy protein is horrible for bodybuilding and that if you are any where near serious about working out or building muscle you will stay away from it.

Steroid Cycling - Is It Safe?
Steroid cycling information.

The human body is a complex system. It consists of cells or small units that are organized to function together. Every body function is coordinated by the nerve cells in the brain, whether it is movement of the eyes or the heartbeat. In the body, Muscles are one of the most important constituents. They account for 40 percent of body weight. These are the tissues or materials with specialized cells. Muscles are made up of elastic fibers that can contract and relax. The contractile nature of Muscle makes possible various body movements, an upright posture and specific shape to a human body. For example, lifting a box involves the action of Muscles in the hands.

Bodybuilding Basics: Why Can't I Get Bigger? Part 3
Proper nutrition is the biggest factor in building muscles to their maximum size. If you are not eating correctly, your training will never go anywhere.

Muscle Diseases
Muscle is better known for its ability to flex and give shape to a body. Like any other part of the body, muscles too are prone to diseases. Muscle Diseases, like any other kind of disease and infection, can affect anybody. It can even make a person physically disabled. The Muscle Diseases often make the person weak. The person suffering from Muscle Diseases is under constant pain and feels weakness in the muscles. He or she finds it difficult to walk, sit and get up, climb, run, lift or carry, or move the limbs. In most cases, progressive muscle wasting followed by contraction of muscles takes place.

The Bodybuilder's Gynecomastia Fighter!
Gynecomastia information.

Steroid Side Effects Are You AT Risk ?
steroid side effects

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