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Bodybuilding nutrition tips

Posted by Paul

Proper bodybuilding nutrition is vital if you want to get into top shape. The wise old saying "you are what you eat" is very true. If you eat mostly junk food you will have a junky body, but if you eat a healthy diet including plenty of lean proteins, you will have a healthy lean and muscular body.

The basics of bodybuilding nutrition are actually easy to follow. Your bodybuilding nutrition plan should be based on the following simple rules:

1) Eat small but frequent meals throughout the day.

2) Eat every 2 to 3 waking hours.

3) Have a balance of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats at each and every meal.

The types of foods you should eat for optimum bodybuilding nutrition include: eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, beef, potatoes, yams, brown rice, fresh raw vegetables and fruit. Be sure to eat a variety of each of these types of foods every day.

On this site you will find reviews of top quality bodybuilding nutrition supplements that really work!

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