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Can ecdysterone cause gyno

Posted by David

I've used a lot of bodybuilding supplement in the past, test boosters, pro hormones, pro steroids, etc. A few of them caused me to get a mild case of gynecomastia (bitch tits). Luckily it went away after going off the supplements, but I never took those again as I'm scared it will come back and not go away next time.

I'm interested in trying your ecdysterone supplement but I want to make very sure it wont cause me to get gyno.

Re: Ecdysterone Gyno

Posted by Admin

Gynecomastia is caused by an imbalance of estrogen to testosterone hormones. Steroids and some of the steroid-like bodybuilding supplements that have hit the market in the past actually increased estrogen and even lowered testosterone, most if not all of those ended up being banned or made illegal, thank God (or government).

Ecdysterone supplements are non hormonal in nature, meaning while they do help increase protein synthesis they don't increase estrogen or lower testosterone. We have been selling our ecdystrone supplement for 19 years now and have never heard of anyone using it to get gyno from it.

Our ecdysterone supplements is one of the best on the market today, you can get it out at

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