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how to get big and strong

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Posted by Ben

am i on the right path??

Hi im 16 years olds 115 pounds, 5'5. I really want to get big and strong. i started working out last september going to the gym and lifting randomly twice a week. Around march i started to workout more seriously and lifting monday -thursday mainly doing arms chest and legs. Once summer started i lifted monday-friday. monday;chest/triceps, tuesday; bicep/back, wedsnday; shoulders/legs, thursday;chest/tricep, friday;back/bicep. the next monday i would start with what i did on wednsday so it would be a three week cycle. for each muscle i would do 6 exercises with 3 sets each focusing on 4-10 reps. i took gnc amplified wheybolic extreme 60, taking 30g in the morning and 40g after my workout. i also took creatine. i definatly gained over the summer but not as much as i think i should of doing that much lifting. i def was lazy with legs though over the summer. starting next week i was thinking of doing this workout at home.

3x60 crunches
3x5 squats
3x5 bench press
3x5 incline dumbell press
3x5 standing barbell shoulder press
3x5 barbell rows
3x6 barbell curles
3x8 close grip bench press
grip training

3x60 crunches
3x5 squats
3x5 bench press
3x5 standing barbell shoulder press
3x5 barbell rows
3x12 wide grip pull ups
3x6 standing hammer curls
3x8 tricep extensions with dumbell
3x5 deadlifts

3x60 crunches
3x5 squats
3x5 bench press
3x5 standing barbell shoulder press
3x5 barbell rows
3x8 dumbell curles
3x6 preacher curls
3x8 close grip bench press
3x8 skull crushers
3x5 deadlifts

everyday i will also do 6 sets of 30 calf raises.

i will also take a multivitamin and gnc amplified wheybolic 60 in the morning 30g, after my workout 40g, and before i go to sleep 30g. i try to drink half a gallon of milk a day and eat alot. please guys i really need feed back.

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