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Sample Bodybuilding Diets

This is a sample diet with two manipulations of that diet to accomplish two different goals.  There is a base diet and then I manipulate it to achieve for diet for gaining mass and one diet for getting leaner.

The Baseline Diet
BREAKFAST: 10 egg whites  
2 servings of cream of wheat/or oatmeal
MID-MORNING: 6 ounces of lean meat  
1 1/2 cups of rice
LUNCH: 6 ounces of lean meat  
one 10-ouince yam  
1 cup of vegetables
MID-AFTERNOON: 6 ounces of lean meat  
3/4 cup of rice  
3/4 cup of corn
DINNER: 6 ounces of lean meat  
one 10-ounce baked potato  
dinner salad with fat-free dressing
EVENING: 10 egg whites  
2 servings of cream of wheat/or oatmeal
As with any diet, remember to drink water liberally throughout the day.  The diet above shows a baseline diet.  Since the goal is to gain weight for most bodybuilders, I'll ad more calories and a little more protein to the base diet.  Likewise, since this is for the off-season, I'm going to add a little more variety to the diet by adding some dairy products and fruit.  After these adjustments are made, monitor your results with a body composition test of some sorts ( such as skin fold calipers or hydrostatic weighing ) every three weeks along with weekly weighins on the scale at the gym.  No changes should be made to the diet for at least 6 - 8 weeks.

Notice the adjustments of the baseline diet to create the off-season, weight-gaining diet.

The Off-Season Diet (Gaining Mass)
BREAKFAST: 10 egg whites  
3 servings of cream of wheat/or oatmeal  
1 piece of fruit
MID-MORNING: 7 ounces of lean meat  
1 1/2 cups of rice  
1 yogurt
LUNCH: 7 ounces of lean meat  
one 10-ouince yam  
3/4 cup of rice  
1 cup of vegetables
MID-AFTERNOON: 7 ounces of lean meat  
3/4 cup of rice  
3/4 cup of corn  
1 piece of fruit
DINNER: 7 ounces of lean meat  
one 10-ounce baked potato  
dinner salad with fat-free dressing  
1 cup of skim milk
EVENING: 10 egg whites  
2 servings of cream of wheat/or oatmeal
If your body weight increases, keep the diet the same for another 6 weeks.  If your bodyfat increases but your lean mass stays the same, remove some of the carbohydrates and up the protein another ounce.  Systematically, you can fiddle with the diet and monitor results.  Just don't change more than one thing at a time or you will not know what works and what doesn't.

Now suppose that the goal is to get ripped.  Let's begin by making a few changes and create a precontest diet.

The Precontest Diet (Getting Leaner)
BREAKFAST: 10 egg whites  
2 servings of cream of wheat/or oatmeal
MID-MORNING: 6 ounces of lean meat  
1 1/2 cups of rice  
1 cup of vegetables
LUNCH: 6 ounces of lean meat  
one 8-ounce yam  
1 cup of vegetables
MID-AFTERNOON: 6 ounces of lean meat  
1 cup of rice  
1 cup of vegetables
DINNER: 6 ounces of lean meat  
one 10-ounce baked potato  
dinner salad with fat-free dressing
EVENING: 10 egg whites  
1 serving of cream of wheat/or oatmeal

As you can see, I reduced the carbohydrate ratio, and by doing so, I increased the protein ratio.  You would follow this diet for about two weeks while increasing your aerobic activity.  Every two weeks have a body composition test performed to let you know where you stand.  As you become leaner, continue to slowly decrease the carbohydrates.  For example, after the first two weeks are up simply remove the cream of wheat from the evening meal and one serving from the breakfast meal.  After another two weeks, depending on the desired results, increase the cardio by adding another 10 minutes to each session.  Once again, notice how methodical I am in the changes.  This allows you to better montitor what is going on with your body.

In essence, if your lean body mass goes down, either decrease the aerobics or up the protein one ounce.  If the body composition shows that you are maintaining most of the lean mass and getting leaner then leave it status quo.

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