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Secret bodybuilding diet

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Posted by Walter Eddy

Bodybuilders use it. Doctors have known about it for decades. A book was written about it around 1970. Many supplement companies are using it as a 'trick' to make you think their product works great. Carbohydrate depletion, as a form of weight loss diet, is what we're refering to. Please note, this can be dangerous, never try this without talking to your Doctor first. If you are the least bit diabetic this could easily kill you.

A book came out about 25 years ago called the 'steak & egg diet'. About a dozen people died from it after staying on this diet for six straight weeks or more.

Long before that Doctors and Biologist knew about this. Man can not store fat unless insulin is released by the body. Insulin is only released when you eat carbohydrates. What's more, if man does not eat carbohydrates, the body begins to break down fat at a super fast rate in order to create a substitute. During this process ketones are created. What's even more interesting is that man can eat large amounts of fat and protein, while on this diet, and still loose weight.

This diet is safe for average healthy people if, if, if, they check with their Doctor first, eat about 50 grams of carbohydrates a day, and stay on it for no more than 3 days at a time. It can be cycled, 3 days on, 3 days off. Off days you should eat healthy, low fat, low calorie meals. Expect to loose about 3 to 5 pounds each cycle, most of it on the 3rd day.

'Keto' strips can be purchased over the counter, and are used to tell if the body is going into ketosis, ask your Drugist about them. You should be in mild ketosis by the 3rd morning, if not cut back on the 50 grams of carbohydrates a day next cycle.

More detailed information on this subject may be found in books on human physiology.

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